22nd February 2016 Evert. 0 Comment. 0 Comments. The following IP ranges are used by Googlebot while it crawls the Internet: - -

Here you can find all lookup results for public IP address owned by Googlebot. This includes the type of address, DNS lookup information, ISP and location details. At the bottom of the page you can find more functions like a detailed location map, abuse report, WHOIS information and an e-mail server blacklist check. IP Address - Googlebot So far today, there have been 1,266 IP address and website location searches in addition to yours. The information on is presented based on your search. For more information on, you can visit the site or IP directly. - Googlebot In United States | IP-Tracker.org - IP Address Location Lookup For (Googlebot ) In United States - Find Whois IP and location from any IP and Domain with free IP Locator Tool. Googlebot - Google

The IP ranges used by Googlebot. The following IP ranges are used by Googlebot while it crawls the Internet:

Google bot and Bing bot IP list I put together this list of Google and Bing bot IP addresses for anyone to use as they please. Security White-list: A good use for this list is to add them to your security white-list. Google and Bing at times can often spider a page that is 404. Sep 20, 2006 · To avoid double lookups it would be helpful if the IP address resolved to a well-defined pattern, e.g. googlebot-dd-dd-dd-dd.googlebot.com; that way if the agent is Googlebot and the remote addres is dd.dd.dd.dd, only one lookup is needed to validate that this truely is a request from Googlebot.

Run a reverse DNS lookup on the ip address provided. Verify that the domain name is a subdomain of either googlebot.com or google.com. Run a forward DNS lookup on the host name returned from step 1 and verify it matches the original ip address. Why is it important to verify Googlebot?

That address resolves to “crawl-66-249-73-187.googlebot.com” and coupled with your observation that the rule did not block these requests, it would now actually appear as if these were requests from Google web crawler. That is a bit surprising.